How to Develop a Brand that Impacts – mythus studio Skip to main content

Your brand is the backbone of your business.

If you want to make an impact, you need to develop a brand that connects & resonates with your humans.

Here are the essential elements you need to incorporate to develop a brand that is impactful:

Understand The Why of Your Brand

The most important element of building a thriving brand is to know and understand the why, the intention of your behind it all.

Knowing your why helps you develop and maintain clarity. It also helps you stay focused and keep your eye on the prize without falling off tracks when things get tough.

Understand Your Humans

Knowing what your ideal clients need and desire is the other essential piece of the puzzle. Having a compelling why behind your brand is great but if it does not resonate with your clients and fails to meet their needs, you brand is doomed from the start.

So do market research, understand your clients and morph your brand to be the solution to their problems.

Develop Your Brand's Personality

The way you create a compelling brand that attracts and resonates with your ideal humans is by creating a personality that is charismatic and makes that lasting impression.

Your brand is your business’s personality, it is what truly makes the impact. Therefore, invest in it’s development, create the persona as if it were a real breathing human.

It does not always need to reflect 100% of your personality but it can adopt your traits, mixed with new ones that would really make it stand out as a unique entity in the market.

Consider Your Brand's Positioning

Where does you brand stand in the market? What makes it different than the rest? What makes it stand out?

A thriving brand is one that has a firm position in the field.

What is it that your brand offers that helps it occupy a distinctive place in the minds of your humans? Is it values? Is it the aesthetic? Is it the experience? What emotional aspect are you considering to tap into that helps them perceive your brand in a positive way?

Dress Your Brand to Impress

Now that you know your brand’s position, it is now time to walk the talk.

Show up as the brand you have envisioned. Dress it up in a way that makes the heads turn and woos your humans (and competitors)

Consider the following:

  • The aesthetic of your brand
  • The tone with which it communicates
  • The overall presentation of your brand
  • The impression it makes when it first enters the room
  • The impression it leaves once it leaves the room

Create a Mesmerizing Experience

  • Once you have all the elements figured out and polished, it is time to start brewing the ultimate magic element of your brand: the experience.

    You need to create a brand experience that not only attracts your ideal humans but makes them keep coming back for more, or even better, to never disconnect from your brand at all.

    Create a client journey, an experience, that positively impacts your humans’ lives & answers all their problems in a manner that is enchanting & beautiful. All of us humans are emotional beings so create an experience that is cathartic.

Hope this was helpful! If you need clarity just give your girl a holla & I’d be more than happy to assist!

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    A true storyteller at heart, a wanderess in search of magical lands and an aesthete who is perpetually dazzled by the enchantment found in the every day. Fatima's love for stories and the magic they ooze out, led her to co-found Zehra Studio, an atelier of magic. As the Chief Branding Officer (CEO), her intention for Zehra Studio is to help brands form authentic connections with their audience through storytelling and intentional design. Crafting stories with a touch of magic, Fatima has worked with a range of awesome clients to help them find their voice to tell their stories and elevate their brands while doing so.

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